Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Time and Karma

When a Bird is Alive It Eats Ants
When the Bird has Died Ants Eat It

One Tree Can be Made into a Million Matchsticks
One Matchstick Can Burn a Million Trees

Circumstances Can Change at Any Time
Don't Devalue or Hurt Anyone in This Life

You May be Powerful Today
But Time is More Powerful Than You

I Am Bad In ....

I Am Bad In English 
But I Can Tell You I Love You

I Am Bad In Geography
But I Can Tell You That You Live In My Heart

I Am Bad In History 
But I Can Remember When I First Saw You

I Am Bad In Chemistry 
But I Can Tell What The Reaction Is When You Smile

I Am Bad In Physics 
But I Can Tell The Intensity Of Sparks Of My Eyes When They See You

I Am Bad In All Subjects 
But I Will Pass All Subjects If The Topic Is You...

(Delphine Kabaru)


Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels: Papua New Guinea Rememberance Day Poem

Many a mother in Australia when the busy day is done

Sends a prayer to the Almighty for the keeping of her son

Asking that an angel guide him and bring him safely back

Now we see those prayers are answered on the Owen Stanley Track.

For they haven't any halos, only holes slashed in their ears

And their faces worked by tattoos with scratch pins in their hair

Bringing back the badly wounded just as steady as a horse

Using leaves to keep the rain off and as gentle as a nurse

Slow and careful in the bad places on the awful mountain track

The look upon their faces would make you think Christ was black

Not a move to hurt the wounded as they treat him like a saint

It's a picture worth recording that an artist's yet to paint

Many a lad will see his mother and husbands see their wives

Just because the fuzzy wuzzy carried them to save their lives

From mortar bombs and machine gun fire or chance surprise attacks

To the safety and the care of doctors at the bottom of the track

May the mothers of Australia when they offer up a prayer

Mention those impromptu angels with their fuzzy wuzzy hair.

(Bert Beros)

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

The Compass of Life

Look back & get Experience!
Look Forward & See Hope!
Look Around & Find Reality!
Look within & Find Your self.

To get Experience, Look Back
To find Hope, Look Forward
To find Reality, Look Around
To find Oneself, Look Within

(By Melinda Thom & Wilma Bohage | Compiled by: Emmanuel Marosi)


By the power and truth of my self belief:
May my love for all sentient beings 
Bring happiness and the causes of happiness;
May my love free them 
From suffering and the causes of suffering;
May my love help them to never be separated 

From the great happiness devoid of suffering,
May my love help them to dwell 

In the great equanimity that is free from attachment and aversion, 
Oh Wanpis!